Sara Davies Sleep Consultant

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Is it time for change?

Has your baby been sleeping in their swing for months now? Are you unsure whether it’s time for a change? Is it a big deal? Are your tippytoes all worn out?

Getting your baby into a cot, is a GAME-CHANGER. You will have to put a little more effort into their routine but trust me, it’s worth it! Having your baby in their cot, makes life that little bit easier. You’ll have some time to yourself, to do whatever you please! Whether that be the house work, or simply sitting down with a coffee and relaxing. Or even (my personal favourite), having a little nap yourself.

How do you make the change from bouncer to bed? Well that parts easy. YOU CAN DO IT. Believe in yourself. Have some faith and just go for it! Pick a date. Make everyone aware that things are changing. Make a plan and be consistent. You’ve got this!

How to?

Most importantly, practice SAFESLEEP. This means, alone, on their back, in a cot. For more information on this visit the section on safe sleep.

Sleep environment

Use blackout curtains. It’ll be dark but it’s your way of signalling to your baby’s brain that it’s time to sleep.

Consider White Noise. This can be another cue to let your baby know it’s time to sleep. It can also mean you don’t need to be as quiet around the house whilst you get on with your life. Check out the blog about white noise for more information,

Use a video monitor. This can really help. You can check on your baby when you hear a noise or a movement. This will save you going in at the wrong time. i.e. during a sleep transition when it’s natural for babies to stir.

No night lights! Night lights and continuous music will stimulate your baby’s brain.

Pick a method

Choose your training method. It’s time for your baby to learn how to fall asleep independently and self soothe. This can be any method and needn’t involve ‘crying it out’. Nobody wants to hear their child cry for hours on end! There will be resistance, no matter which method you choose. Change is a difficult thing for anyone, let alone a baby who can’t communicate their feelings. Sometimes we all need to step out of our comfort levels a little, but just how much is completely up to you. Just remember, consistency is key. Don’t change up your method after one long, hard night. Try and try again. You’ll get there I promise!

Follow Wake Times

Sleep training will NOT work unless your child is on an appropriate schedule. Look closely at their wake windows. Make some adjustments if necessary before attempting to sleep train. This will be half the battle!

Set a nap/bed time routine

and STICK TO IT! If your routine includes 2 books. Read 2 books! Not 3 or 4 one night. Don’t skip the book entirely! If you sing a song one night, sing it the next, and the next…… I could go on. Routine is KEY!

Watch that clock

Aim to put your baby in their crib 10-15 minutes prior to the end of their wake

window. This will avoid overtiredness and a struggle to settle on time.

Pick a date

Get your plan ready. Pick a date and go for it! There will be long/hard nights ahead but it will get better. Soon you’ll be longing for those nap snuggles or bedtime cuddles. You’ll find you have so much time on your hands you wont know what to do with it! Good luck!

If you need any support, as always I’m here. Book a call and we can talk about what’s going on with your sleep and make a plan to ultimately…get you some!

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