Sara Davies Sara Davies

Early Rising?

I’m a firm believer, that when my boys wake early, it’s because they went to bed overtired or they need a schedule change.

Every. Single. Time.

These days, when they wake early, it’s because they went to bed late.

But, before we dropped the nap, it could have been either option. So what did I do?

First, I’d change their schedule. Only ever by 15 minutes. Small changes make a big difference.

When they were on more than one nap, I’d make those changes back end first (the latest wakewindows).

After transitioning to one nap, I’d make those changes before the nap. So it coould mean that they went from a wake window of 5 before nap and 4.5 after nap to 5.25 before and kept 4.5 after. Simple. I’d observe those changes for a good few days. If nothing improved, I’d add on another 15 minutes.

But, for you…. it could be due to so many different factors. I’m listing them below!

Take comfort in knowing that you're not alone, and there are strategies you can try to shift your child's wake-up time to a later hour. Dealing with early morning wakeups isn't easy and may require consistent effort for a while.

It's important to note that some babies naturally require less sleep than others. With a baby who needs less sleep, the only effective strategy may be to adjust nap times. They may need less day sleep than they’re getting.

Understanding the Biology of Sleep

The hormone cortisol starts to rise from midnight to morning, while the sleep hormone melatonin begins to decrease. As a result, there is more light sleep and dreaming during the later part of the night towards morning. This makes it easier for your little one to wake up in the early morning hours. However, going back to sleep can be challenging because their sleep pressure is low at that time.

Optimizing the Sleep Environment:

Creating an ideal sleep environment is crucial for managing early morning wakeups. Ensure that your child's sleep space is completely dark, blocking out any light, especially during the early morning hours. Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced only in the absence of light, so the darker the room, the better.

To prevent your little one from waking up due to external noise, use white noise throughout the night. White noise helps mask household sounds and serves as a reliable sleep cue, especially for younger babies.

Maintaining the right temperature is also important. The ideal sleep temperature ranges from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. In colder months, you can use a swaddle or a sleeping bag once your baby starts rolling over. Avoid using blankets as they can easily be kicked off. During summer, dress your baby in lightweight cotton pajamas to prevent overheating.

Additionally, ensuring your child isn't waking up due to hunger is crucial. By around 9 months of age, most babies don't need to wake up from hunger anymore. Make sure your little one receives enough calories and adequate protein during the day to stabilize their blood sugar levels. If your baby is younger than 9 months and consistently wakes up early in the morning, they might still need a night-time milk feed.

Understanding Zeitgebers:

Zeitgebers are environmental cues that help regulate our biological clocks, including temperature, light, and food. Exposing your baby to light, social interaction, or food in the early morning hours can reinforce early morning wakeups. That's why it's crucial to ensure no light enters your little one's room during those early hours.

The Impact of Overtiredness

If your child goes to bed overtired due to inadequate naps or a late bedtime, it can contribute to early morning wakeups. When they are overtired, their bodies produce the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, making it difficult to enter a deep, restorative sleep. As a result, they are more likely to wake up easily in the early morning hours.

The Timing of Naps

If the first nap of the day occurs too early in the morning, it may be seen as a continuation of night-time sleep, leading your little one to wake up early. Avoid offering a nap before 8:30 am for babies older than 6 months. Ideally, the first nap should start between 9 and 9:30 am to discourage early morning wakeups

You’ve got this. If you need any support. Sign up for a FREE sleep assessment. Let’s get your kiddo sleeping again!


Remember, you are not alone in this journey.

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